Options Strategy: Create Bull Call Spread with R Language

bull call spread strategy

For more information on long calls and bullish spreads, please visit Understanding Options on Schwab.com. You want the stock to be at or above strike B at expiration, but not so far that you’re bull call spread strategy disappointed you didn’t simply buy a call on the underlying stock. But look on the bright side if that does happen — you played it smart and made a profit, and that’s always a good thing.

bull call spread strategy

The bull call spread is created by buying one lower strike call and selling one higher strike call. Typically, this is a cost-effective strategy that limits downside risks while creating exposure to upside gain potential. The benefit of a higher short call strike is a higher maximum to the strategy’s potential profit. The disadvantage is that the premium received is smaller, the higher the short call’s strike price. Each of the types of spread is further classified into either debit or credit spreads.

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An investor often employs the bull call spread in moderately bullish market environments, and wants to capitalize on a modest advance in price of the underlying stock. If the investor’s opinion is very bullish on a stock it will generally prove more profitable to make a simple call purchase. The inputs and the strategy code for bull call spread with R are provided below. https://www.bigshotrading.info/ Note that for the purpose of the example, we are generating our own data, i.e., a sequence of numbers using the seq() function in R. We create the strategy with two call options one with a low strike price of 450 and another with a high strike price of 500. We calculate the intrinsic value and payoff from each call option and then we calculate the strategy payoff.

Since a bull call spread consists of one long call and one short call, the sensitivity to time erosion depends on the relationship of the stock price to the strike prices of the spread. If the stock price is “close to” or below the strike price of the long call , then the price of the bull call spread decreases with passing of time . This happens because the long call is closest to the money and decreases in value faster than the short call. However, if the stock price is “close to” or above the strike price of the short call , then the price of the bull call spread increases with passing time . This happens because the short call is now closer to the money and decreases in value faster than the long call. With a bull call spread, the losses are limited, reducing the risk involved, since the investor can only lose the net cost to create the spread. The net cost is also lower as the premium collected from selling the call helps to defray the cost of the premium paid to buy the call.

Options Strategies: Bull Call Spread

If no stock is owned to deliver, then a short stock position is created. If a short stock position is not wanted, it can be closed by either buying stock in the marketplace or by exercising the long call.

  • When you are expecting the price of the underlying to moderately drop.
  • Choose the asset you believe will experience a slight appreciation over a set period of time .
  • First, the entire spread can be closed by selling the long call to close and buying the short call to close.
  • The trade’s breakeven point will be the upper strike price minus the credit — in our example, 1,510 USDT.

Abigail Martínez

Licenciada en Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales por el CIDE (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas) y Maestra en Políticas Públicas por Macquarie University. Se especializa en análisis político y comunicación estratégica. Colaboradora de The HuffPost México, Gluc MX y ENEUSmx.

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